No Houston Harris Security Academy does NOT train Guards, WE train Officers.
Look Officers, Today’s security officer, in most cases, is charged with so much more than just the front gate and fire watch. Officers...

Houston man shot after trying to hit security guard with car
HOUSTON TX Feb 22 2016 – KHOU One man is injured after police say a security guard shot at him when the man attempted to run him over...

When I talk to different security companys and officers, a reoccurring conversations pops up, Training and advance training/education or...

Securing the Houston Ship Channel
The Houston Ship Channel, located in Houston, Texas, is part of the Port of Houston—one of the United States’ busiest seaports. As the...
University of Houston cuts ties with security firm
University of Houston president Renu Khator said Sunday she was "very shocked, disappointed and literally outraged" by the action of...
The tough job of an NBA arena security officer
A security officer at Sacramento's Sleep Train Arena "plays defense" on Dallas Mavericks forward Dirk Nowitzki, keeping him away from the...

security guard on duty was unarmed when two terrorists opened fire in a conference room
On Friday, IRC public relations specialist Leeza Hoyt told the Los Angeles Timesthat it was unclear where the guard was positioned when...

H.H.S.A. Welcomes Mr.Traylor
Mr.Traylor is now part of Houston Harris Security Academy. Mr.Mullins & Mr. Reyes Welcomed Mr.Traylor to H.H.S.A.. Mr.Traylor brings a...

Don’t Rely on Basic Training
Commissioned Security Officers should always keep the Use of Force Continuum in mind while on duty and think of every situation or...
Armed Security: Police or Private Security Officers?
After every mass shooting tragedy many of the same responses and questions seem to come up, but the school shooting in Newtown,...