Building a Stronger Security Culture to Mitigate Risk
According to Lance Hayden, Managing Director of Berkeley Research Group, harnessing the power of people and culture is the next great...

The Science of Shoplifting
Dr. Hayes, who has a doctorate in criminology, is a scientist who studies criminals, loss prevention and shoplifting. As co-director of...

Tactical Reload & Combat Reload
Sgt. Traylor discuss the difference between a Tactical Reload and Combat Reload.

The Three Major Issues facing the security industry when it comes to Training
1) The Security academy, It all begins there…Crap in crap out…All too often some academies are looking at the bottom line. Get them in...

Nine security officers suffered severe traumatic injuries, gunshot wounds and in four cases death, during a forty-eight hour period this...

5 Major Issues Campus Security Officers Will Face Today
The constituencies of America’s colleges and universities are changing. Many schools are seeing new populations arrive on campus, and...

Security Tip of the Month
Strategic Training With Strategic Solutions Keeping Officers Trained and Secure in Their Ability

Houston Harris Security Academy
One of the Best in the Security Training Industry

Security Officers: How Changing Titles Changes Perceptions
I found this AWESPME articale, it talk about what I posted earler Hope you like, Despite the gravity of what security personnel...