Don’t Rely on Basic Training

Commissioned Security Officers should always keep the Use of Force Continuum in mind while on duty and think of every situation or potential situation as a liability and how can you mitigate risk. As a Commissioned Security Officer you should have a complete duty belt. A duty belt includes the following.
A 2.25 inch duty belt either all leather or all nylon.
A full size firearm with the barrel length not to exceed 5 inches and no less than 4 inches. Calibers should include 9x19, 40, 45, 357sig, 38 special, and 10 mm.
Firearm holster which should be fitted for the firearm you’re carrying. The holster should not be a paddle holster or a conceal carry holster and should be fitted to go on the 2.25 inch duty belt.
At least two fully loaded spare magazines and holster for the extra magazines.
Carry at least two pairs of name brand handcuffs with holster. Name brands like Smith and Wesson and ASP are common and preferred in law enforcement.
Expandable baton or PR24 with scabbard carrier.
OC spray with holster. Do not buy generic, bear spray, or dog spray! If you’re not sure ask the uniform supply sales clerk.
A flashlight is fundamental to your safety. A flash of light to the eyes can buy seconds to escape or move out/away from harms way. Do not buy a flashlight from the dollar store. It is recommended that you buy a flashlight with more than 100 lumens and no more than 300 lumens. Your flashlight can also used as a self-defense tool.
Keep your uniform pressed and clean and wear a pair of uniform duty boots. Do not wear tennis shoes, dress shoes, or a pair of generic black shoes. Buy name brand boots like Bates, Original SWAT, or Magnum boots. Buying generic shoes will cost you more money due to lack of longevity and poor quality craftsmanship. Your badge should be affixed on the left side of the uniform shirt just above the pocket. The nameplate should be affixed on the right side of the uniform shirt just above the pocket.
The “S.O.” pins should be affixed on the collar ends of the uniform shirt and will direction will vary by company policy. Optional pins will include but not limited to the following. Search and Rescue, Field Training Officer, and Instructor. Please utilize discretion when affixing these pins. To many can send the wrong message to the general public. You can do more with less. Simplicity sells itself.
Now as my Sifu says “Lets get to the meat and taters!” Training and the Use of Force Continuum. How well do you remember the Use of Force Continuum and are you using the stair step module? Like all training modules the use of force to was subject to change and has since been updated. This is not a perfect world and is full of variables. The Use of Force Continuum module does not stay the same for every interaction. If you ask a seasoned officer about each interaction they will tell you no two are exactly the same. That is because every interaction had variables and the officer had to adapt to the variables not the other way around.
If you have an incomplete duty belt the use of force cannot be utilized. So if you’re on duty with only a firearm that will be the primary means of self-defense. So in the eyes of the court you’re prepared and willing to shoot someone and know that you only had a firearm only as a means of defense. You could not utilize less-lethal because you did not carry it on your duty belt. If you are current on national events you will see the news and social media highlighting officer involved incidents, mostly shootings. Training will mitigate your risk and a calm respectful personality will make your job much more easier. Do not rely on a basic certification or basic training because there are to many variables that could put you at risk.
Stay Safe.