When I talk to different security companys and officers, a reoccurring conversations pops up, Training and advance training/education or the lack there of. It is my belief that any
L3 Security officer or L.E.O. should have training in "CUTTING THE PIE". As well as Weapon Retention / Crisis Weapon Recovery just to name a couple. all to offten secuirty training facility / schools herd them in like cattle. POP IN VIDEOS and give you pop corn or even worse just sells you the certification and not even take the course, I have seen that personally. I have also seen L3 officers that do not know how to dismantle and reassemble and clean service pistols, load the rounds backwards.
Some of the above is the officers fault, some is the industry and some is the security company. The company that hires officers should look and see IF the officer needs more training and the officers themself should seek that training out. YES .. I know security officers do not get paid MUCH...BUT HOW MUCH IS YOUR LIFE WORTH?!!
For example how many Academy train the cadets to dismantle and reassemble and clean service pistols? How about stoppage drill 1 and 2, 3 ? How offten does the security company that hires these officer suggest that the officers should go to the range or offer training? Better yet does the officer seek out the training? Most security companys do not have "FTO" Field Training Officers, They have supervisors whichis NOT the same.