H.H.S.A. Welcomes Mr.Traylor

Mr.Traylor is now part of Houston Harris Security Academy. Mr.Mullins & Mr. Reyes Welcomed Mr.Traylor to H.H.S.A.. Mr.Traylor brings a wealth of knowledge in the Defensive Tactics and Defensive pistol Tactics. Mr.Traylor is a Level 3 & Level 4 "P.P.O." Instructor. class will beging very soon. H.H.S.A. will add advance class for L.E.O. & Security personal.
The immediate goal is to provide Defensive Tactics and specialized training courses to meet the needs of the ever-changing problems that confront Security & L.E.O. in the areas of training that are not readily available to them through their agency or other sources. The long-range goal for training is to continue to up-grade both the Basic and Advance Security & L.E.O. capabilities through more in-depth training.
Considering the myriad current requirements and budget constraints, Security & L.E.O. firearms trainers may find their jobs increasingly challenging. To help build a solid foundation and establish some basic criteria for what Security & L.E.O. training program should include: Here is what Mr.Traylor & H.H.S.A. will be offering at H.H.S.A. to Security & L.E.O. Personal.
1) Hand to Hand Defensive Tactics 2) The Art of drawing your service pistol 3) Defensive Pistol 4) Weapon Retention / Crisis Weapon Recovery 5) Spontaneous Edge Weapon Response 6) Ground Defensive Tactics / Avoidance 7) Advance Retractable Baton 8) Tactical Cuffing / Resisting 9) Slicing the Pie 10) Force on Force Matrix 11) Judgement Pistol shooting
H.H.S.A. along with Mr.Traylor believe that, this type of training is needed in the security industry and L.E.O. at a affordable price. Security Personal are FIRST RESPONDERS and they need the training to be able to protect not only the client but ourselves. Mr.Traylor will be offering weekly tips on Officer safety and defensive tactics weekly we hope on this blog. We hope to see everyone here.