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No Houston Harris Security Academy does NOT train Guards, WE train Officers.

Look Officers, Today’s security officer, in most cases, is charged with so much more than just the front gate and fire watch. Officers have to monitor fire, burglar, hazardous chemical, heating/cooling, alarms, Banks, Nuclear power plant and of course CCTVs. They make extensive patrols through hazardous areas, maintain access control, provide customer service, and hopefully remain constantly observant. Depending on where the officer’s post is, they may be entrusted to hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of assets for a company. That calls for a professional officer who can think and act like a professional. Of course he must be trained as Such!!! Another topic…. So what makes a security officer different than a security guard?

ONE….Training….Training….Training… Two…security officers should be at the very least, high school graduates. A few cases, they have college degrees or studies behind them as well as military back ground. They are intelligent, street smart, capable of thinking proactively, and they handle crisis situations regularly. They are taught to use their heads to defuse a situation instead of using their service pistol. I hope days of warm body posts, where anyone who could fill a uniform was put at a post, are long gone!!!!!!!!! if an officer has taken the time to become accomplished and trained in code response,9.32 or 42.01, 30.05 30.06 & 30.07, verbal de-escalation, self defense, OC and handcuffs, report writing, computers, domestic and workplace violence issues — to name a few — They should be referred to in a professional light.

We “I & Houston Harris Security Academy” We want officer’s that want to advance themselves, they will read security magazines, if offered, and they want additional training, whether the company offers it or not.

They keep their pants around their waist, not sagging around their butts. Their shoes are shined, uniforms complete, and you can’t tell what they had for lunch by looking at their shirt and they did not fall asleep on post.

We want officer that are more alert and observant. Again it’s the training in most cases At this point it is up to us in the security industry to begin to acknowledge that these men and women are officers and not guards. We should treat them with the respect befitting an officer, this means the officers themselves need to improve their demeanor and job performance as well but again it is the training or the lack of!

LOOK, We are not butlers, maids, gardeners, janitors, window washers, furniture movers, painters, interior decorators, or limo drivers! Yes, we are the "help" IF things GO WRONG, We are the first responders in most IF not all cases. My view Mr.Traylor

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Houston Harris Security Academy 
713-975-9922 Office

713-975-9980 Fax

6420 Richmond Ave. # 577

Houston, Tx 77057


Mr.Traylor Instructor 832-722-0874


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